R 182134Z MAR 22 MID200001587848U
RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides guidance for Full Speed Ahead (FSA)
3.0 training and outlines the recommendations for completion and
2. Background. FSA 3.0 training builds on the previous courses in the FSA
series with continued emphasis on character, competence, leadership, personal
and organizational growth. It operationalizes the Culture of Excellence
(COE) emphasizing the themes of toughness, trust and connectedness. As with
its predecessors, FSA 3.0 training blends scenario-based videos with small
group discussions led by command facilitators (CF) or other selected command
3. Purpose. The Navy has teams with great culture and great performance,
but we also see examples of teams with poor culture and weak performance.
The gap between our best and our worst performers is too great. To remain
the worlds strongest Navy, we must consistently have strong performance.
Reference (a) identified the need to have *open, honest and necessary
conversations across our Navy* and that *these conversations are vital for
our Navy team, as understanding and connection builds teamwork and teamwork
builds trust.* FSA 3.0 training enables honest, humble and transparent
discussion about current performance and challenges each of us to
support others. FSA 3.0 training is designed to apply Navy problem-
solving tools and best practices to create opportunities for our
teams to progress. The training encourages critical thinking,
compels respectful and collaborative discussion, inspires adherence
to the Navy Core Values and champions a more complete integration of
the core attributes and signature behaviors of the Navy.
4. Training Approach. FSA 3.0 training is discretionary training.
While there is no Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) mandate to
conduct FSA 3.0 training, there is a strong anecdotal evidence that the
training is both needed and wanted in the Fleet. As such, subordinate
commands have the discretion to mandate FSA 3.0 training within their
organizations. FSA 3.0 training consists of four (4), 60 to 90 minute
modules. Each module is accompanied by facilitation guides for all hands
audiences, or rank-specific audiences (Junior Sailors [E-1 through E-4],
critical middle Sailors [E-5 through E-8, O-1 through O-4] and senior Sailors
[E-9, O-5 and above]). Each module addresses themes and behaviors that are
foundational to the Navys COE. Each module includes a realistic dramatized
video vignette, a documentary video interview segment and facilitated
discussion. Each of the four modules can be delivered as stand-alone
training, but are most effective in succession as each module builds upon
previous modules. Commands are encouraged to allow time between modules to
allow for processing and reflection. The four FSA 3.0 training modules are:
Module 1: Sailor Identity and Connectedness,
Module 2: Trust and Fairness,
Module 3: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and
Module 4: Sailor Today, Sailor Tomorrow.
5. CF Selection and Training. Although formal certification is not required
to deliver FSA 3.0 training, due to the nuanced nature of the discussion FSA
3.0 training elicits, commands are highly encouraged to use previously
certified CF to deliver the training, or to send new CF to the FSA 3.0 Train-
the-Trainer (TTT) course.
There are no specified paygrade requirements for CF, however, all should be
exemplary and dynamic command members who have the ability to actively engage
Sailors while delivering the FSA 3.0 TTT course materials. Previously
certified CF include those personnel who were certified for Bystander
Intervention to the Fleet (BI2F-FY15), Chart the Course (CTC-FY16), FSA
(FY17) or FSA 2.0 (FY18). Commands may run a report of their qualified CF
using the NAVADMIN completions report for the course title NETC-FSA 2.0-CF-
CERT in the Fleet Training Management Planning System (FLTMPS). This
completion report will reflect all CF certified in fiscal year (FY) 2015,
FY16 and FY17 under the prior courses CPPD-BI2F-CF-CERT, NETC-CTC-CF-CERT
a. FSA 3.0 TTT Course. The 21st Century Sailor Office (OPNAV N17) staff
will conduct CF training in each of the Navy regions throughout the remainder
of FY22. The FSA 3.0 TTT course is designed as initial training for newly
designated CF, refresher training for previously certified CF and TTT for the
Regional Training Force discussed in subparagraph (b). A morning and
afternoon session of the FSA 3.0 TTT course will be offered each day of
training. Each session is limited to 30 participants. The FSA 3.0 TTT
course is approximately 3 hours long. The FSA 3.0 TTT course schedule is:
Naval Region Mid-AtlanticNorfolk, VA29-31 MAR
Navy Region EURAFRCENTBahrain11-13 APR
Navy Region SouthwestSan Diego, CA19-21 APR
Navy Region NorthwestBremerton, WA26-28 APR
Navy Region HawaiiPearl Harbor, HI10-12 MAY
Navy Region SoutheastJacksonville, FL17-19 MAY
Navy Region EURAFRCENTNaples24-26 MAY
Navy Region JapanYokosuka, Japan15-17 JUN
Navy Region KoreaKorea 21 JUN
Navy Region MarianasNimitz Hill, Guam23-24 JUN
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Groton, CT28-30 JUN
Navy District Washington Washington, DC12-14 JUL
FSA 3.0 TTT course completion will be documented by OPNAV N17
facilitators in FLTMPS within 1-2 weeks of course completion, as
*Full Speed Ahead (FSA) 3.0 Command Facilitator Certification (FSA-3.0-CF-
b. Regional Training Force. FSA 3.0 training is an enduring training
and discussion platform. While many commands will execute the training
straightaway, others may wait for a pause in operations tempo to
execute. Accordingly, OPNAV N17 instructors will train a regional training
force, leveraging echelon II-IV subject matter experts. Once trained, the
regional training force will be empowered to conduct CF training for echelon
V commands in their region. Navy regions should work with base commanders to
identify individuals for the Regional Training Force leveraging command
climate specialists, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Practitioners, Sexual
Assault Prevention and Response Officers, Religious Ministry Teams and other
COE/command resilience team members.
c. Additionally, on the afternoon of the first training day in each
region, OPNAV N17 will host an O6 or GS15-led informational session for
command triads and other interested leadership to discuss COE-related topics
and initiatives.
d. Region Point of Contact (POC). Regional commanders shall identify
and appoint a local POC to assist OPNAV N17 personnel with registration and
logistical coordination to include reserving suitable classroom space and
ensuring audio and video capabilities. Once appointed, the POC should work
with base commanders in order to ensure widest dissemination to tenant
commands to include amplifying registration and logistical information.
6. Training Delivery. CF will deliver FSA 3.0 training as small group,
face-to-face discussions. FSA 3.0 training sessions should normally include
no more than 30 personnel in order to maximize the advantage of the small
group experience. Peer-led sessions are encouraged using the different
facilitation guides delineated by rank.
a. Training Audience. FSA 3.0 training is strongly recommended for all
uniformed Navy personnel and civilians or other service personnel assigned at
Navy commands are encouraged to attend consistent with their mission
requirements and command direction.
b. Training Materials. FSA 3.0 training materials (videos, Facilitator
Guide and supporting material), the FSA 3.0 TTT course schedule, regional
points of contact and additional resources are available for download at the
COE FSA website at
7. Documentation. For commands documenting completion of FSA 3.0 training
using FLTMPS, learning event completion form each module has a unique course
identification number: Full Speed Ahead (FSA) 3.0 Peer Level Training Module
1 (FSA-3.0-M1), Full Speed Ahead (FSA) 3.0 Peer Level Training Module 2 (FSA-
3.0-M2), Full Speed Ahead (FSA) 3.0 Peer Level Training Module 3 (FSA-3.0-M3)
and Full Speed Ahead (FSA) 3.0 Peer Level Training Module 4 (FSA-3.0-M4).
8. Assessment. This should not be viewed as *one and done* training.
Behavior change takes practice. All commands are encouraged to take
ownership of this training by assessing the knowledge and understanding of
the topics discussed by Sailors and by making this training a part of day-to-
day conversations. The measure of success of this training will be the
extent to which Sailors remain engaged up and down the chain of command and
continue the conversation among their peers about making good decisions,
modeling signature behaviors and treating everyone with dignity and respect.
9. POC are CDR Tracy Less, who can be reached via e-mail at
theresa.c.less@us.navy.mil and CM1 Bill Root, who can be reached
via e-mail at william.e.root23@us.navy.mil.
10. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell Jr, N1.//