R 191512Z APR 16 PSN 352971H27
NAVADMIN 089/16//
RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces continuing the Navys efforts toward
innovative ways to attract and retain highly talented Sailors per reference
(a), this NAVADMIN provides policy and guidance for the FY-16
Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) to include the expansion of MAP to
shore commands and Professional Apprenticeship Career Track (PACT) Sailors.
The increase in MAP quotas and expansion to PACT Sailors and shore commands
empowers commanding officers (CO) to recognize sustained superior performance
through immediate advancement. MAP is not intended to continue Sailors on
active-duty that would otherwise be facing separation due to high year
tenure, denied final active (DFA) reenlistment, or to advantage Sailors in
rates with low advancement opportunities. Sailors with a DFA reenlistment
who are subsequently nominated for MAP will only receive one additional
Career Waypoints look for a reenlistment quota.
2. MAP Strategic Working Group. The MAP modifications are the result of a
strategic working group comprised of Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navys
Leadership Mess and Senior Enlisted Leaders throughout the fleet which was
established to examine greater opportunity and flexibility for command
leadership triads to recognize their best Sailors. The working group
assessed lessons learned from FY-15 MAP, incorporated input from the fleet,
and evaluated impact to enlisted rates (specifically community health and
continuing advancement opportunities). As a result, community health
concerns and time-in-rate (TIR) requirements will be considerations for MAP
eligibility. Quotas will be distributed to individual commands according to
MAP eligible E3 to E5 billets authorized (BA).
3. Community Health. The need to maintain healthy communities exists to
effectively balance the enlisted force and continue to provide Sailors
advancement opportunity via the Navy Wide Advancement Exams (NWAE) across all
a. To help ensure community health, provide advancement opportunity via
the NWAE, and to mitigate risk of zero NWAE opportunity for future exam
cycles, echelon II commanders will have limited opportunity to approve quotas
in the controlled rates listed below. Commands who wish to nominate a Sailor
in one of these rates must submit their request via their chain of command to
the designated echelon II command for consideration. Quotas not approved by
the echelon II Commander will be returned to the originating command for an
alternate Sailor in an unrestricted rate.
b. The following rates, by component, are controlled for the FY
-16 MAP
Season (i.e., echelon II approval required to be MAP advanced into the rates
(1) Active Component: AME1, AWF1, AWO1, AWV1, BM1, CTM1, EO1, GSM1, MR1,
SH1, UT1, AWF2, AWR2, CSS2, GSM2, MR2, SH2, STS2;
(2) Full Time Support: AME1, AO1, AS1, ATI1, ATO1, AZ1, CS1, ET1, IT1, NCC1,
PR1, AME2, AS2, ATI2, AZ2, EM2, ET2, PR2, AO3, AWF3, ET3, PR3.
c. A COs request for a controlled rate quota must be submitted to their
designated echelon II command via their chain of command by 15 June
2016. Controlled rate quota requests may be submitted upon release of this
NAVADMIN. Echelon II adjudication and notification will be completed by
30 June 2016. If approved, the Echelon II controlled rate quota
authorization must be submitted as an enclosure with the MAP certification
letter (MCL) in accordance with paragraph 8.
4. Command MAP Quotas. The quota formula as defined in reference (b) is
cancelled. The total number of quotas, by paygrade, will now be calculated
based on eligible E3 to E5 BA only. The specific number of quotas, if any,
will depend on the size of the E3 to E5 BA at the command level. This may
result in an increase or decrease in quotas from previous years. The list of
MAP quotas by unit identification code (UIC) can be found on the Navy
Personnel Command website at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-
5. Echelon II MAP Quotas. For units without sufficient minimum number of BA
to generate a MAP quota(s), their designated echelon II command will be
allocated a small number of MAP quota(s) that may be distributed to
subordinate commands. All COs with MAP eligible Sailors, whether or not
command quotas are authorized, can request quotas from their designated
echelon II command. These echelon II quotas provide additional opportunity
for units to recognize top performing Sailors.
6. De-activating and Pre-commissioning Units. Due to the unique nature and
dynamic manning of deactivating units and pre-commissioning units, BA may not
accurately reflect manpower at these units. Therefore, deactivating and pre-
commissioning units may request an exception to policy (ETP) to use current
on board manning of E3 - E5 personnel as of 1 July 2016 to determine if and
how many MAP quotas are authorized. An ETP request is not required if the
deactivating or pre-commissioning unit receives command MAP quotas as
discussed in paragraph 4.
7. MAP Eligibility. MAP is open to all Sailors who meet advancement
eligibility requirements.
a. MAP open season will take place from 1 July 2016 to 31 August 2016.
The effective date of advancement is the date of the COs MCL or 1 July 2016,
whichever is later. Commands are encouraged to begin their MAP selection
process and submit their MCL as early as possible to ensure Sailors are
advanced and paid expeditiously.
b. MAP redistribution season will take place from 1 September 2016 to
30 September 2016. The effective date of advancement is the date of the COs
MCL or 1 September 2016, whichever is later. See paragraphs 9 and 11 for
additional information.
c. All MAP Candidates must meet the minimum requirement per reference
(b) by 1 January 2017. Sailors that took the FY-16 Spring NWAE (e.g.
Frocked, Passed Not Advanced) and Sailors eligible for the FY-16 Fall
NWAE are now eligible for FY-16 MAP.
d. COs may waive up to 12 months of the required TIR for E5 Sailors who
have received a promotion recommendation of Early Promote on the most recent
observed periodic evaluation.
e. COs may use MAP quotas on either active component or full-time support
f. Sailors must be attached to the MAP authorized command during the
FY-16 MAP Season. Planned rotation date change requests are recommended if a
Sailor will transfer prior to the start of the MAP Season.
g. PACT Sailors are eligible for MAP advancement. PACT Sailors must
complete a minimum of 12 months onboard their permanent duty station, meet
TIR requirement for advancement to E4 by 1 January 2017 and have an approved
quota for rating designation (i.e. approved quota in C-WAY) via the NWAE or
Rating Entry Designation. MAP advancement is not authorized for PACT
Sailors with designation approval for A-School required ratings.
8. MAP Validation. Commands will forward their MCL (copy to immediate
superior in command (ISIC) and type commander) to Enlisted Career
Administration/Enlisted Boards (PERS-81) listing their MAP selects.
a. PERS-81 will review the record(s) of the selected Sailor(s) and
validate the MCL. If there are no discrepancies PERS-81 will inform the
command that their MAP selects are valid. Commands are encouraged to notify
Sailor(s) immediately upon validation notification to prevent a
Sailor from discovering MAP advancement through other means (e.g. pay and
personnel IT systems).
b. If discrepancies are discovered, PERS-81 will invalidate the MCL and
notify the command of the reason(s) for invalidation. Commands would then be
able to correct the discrepancy or identify new MAP candidate(s).
c. E-mail is the preferred method for submission of the MCL to PERS-81
at: advancements-active@navy.mil. An e-mail response validating the MCL
should be received within four business days of submission.
d. If operational commitments preclude a command from submitting their
MCL prior to the deadline, the command must forward the MCL with
justification to their ISIC for endorsement and further processing through
9. Quota Request. COs with Sailors meeting the eligibility requirements for
MAP advancement may request a MAP quota from their designated echelon II
command, via their chain of command. This request may be in addition to the
MAP quotas allocated for their command as discussed in paragraph 4.
a. COs with command MAP Quotas retain the ability to return unused quotas
or petition for more in FY-16.
b. Additionally, COs that did not initially receive a quota via command
MAP quotas can request echelon II MAP quotas.
c. The echelon II commander can distribute unused or allocated quotas to
any command within their domain.
d. If a command wishes to request unused or echelon II quotas, a quota
request letter (QRL) is required to be submitted via their chain of command
to the designated echelon II command by 15 June 2016. Commands may submit
their QRL upon release of this NAVADMIN. Echelon II adjudication and
notification of echelon II MAP quotas will be completed by 30 June 2016. This
request is not required if the command had MAP quotas allocated for their
command as discussed in paragraph 4 and do not desire additional quotas.
10. Echelon II Quota Distribution. The echelon II commander has final
authority to determine which command(s) will receive echelon II MAP quotas.
Echelon II commanders may only distribute quotas to COs that submitted a QRL
in accordance with paragraph 9. If awarded a quota from the echelon II
commander, an additional MCL must be submitted.
11. Quota Redistribution. The echelon II commander also has final authority
to determine which command(s) will receive unused quotas during
redistribution season. Echelon II commands may only distribute quotas to Cos
that submitted a QRL in accordance with paragraph 9. Echelon II adjudication
and notification of redistributed quotas will be completed no later than
15 September 2016. If awarded a redistributed quota from the echelon II
commander, an additional MCL must be submitted to PERS-81 no later than 30
September 2016.
12. Quota Substitution. Commands are not authorized to substitute paygrades
for MAP quotas (e.g. utilize an E6 MAP quota to advance an E3 Sailor to E4 or
vice versa). MAP quotas are formulated based upon specific BA, thus
substitution of quotas may cause over-execution of advancements at certain
13. Subordinate UICs. COs are not authorized to utilize MAP quotas at a
subordinate UIC. MAP Quotas are distributed by UIC and must be used to
advance a Sailor permanently assigned, or temporary additional duty for
greater than 30 days, to that UIC. A CO may request an ETP via their chain
of command to authorize use of MAP quota(s) at a subordinate UIC.
14. Selected Reserve (SELRES). In order to preserve and maximize
advancement opportunity, there will be a moratorium placed on MAP for SELRES
in FY-16. This is due to strength reductions and changes in force structure
which have resulted in multiple over-manned rates and created community
health challenges in the SELRES force. Navy Recruiting Districts (NRD) are
authorized to use one MAP quota per NRD for reserve Sailors filling Canvasser
Recruiter billets.
15. MAP Website. Example forms for the MCL, QRL, and echelon II controlled
rate quota request can be downloaded via the Navy Personnel Command website
at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-
npc/career/talentmanagement/Pages/MAP.aspx. The list of point of contacts
for each designated echelon II command and additional frequently asked
questions can also be found on this website.
16. Exception to Policy. Director, Military Personnel Plans and Policy
(OPNAV (N13)) is the determining authority for MAP. All ETP requests will be
submitted to OPNAV (N13) via the chain of command (e.g., ISIC and echelon II
endorsements) and copy PERS-81.
17. The points of contact for this matter is Navy Personnel Command (PERS-
812), at (901)874-4457 or via e-mail at advancements-active@navy.mil.
18. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled,
whichever comes first.
19. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.//