R 091429Z JUN 22 MID600051960066U
NARR/Ref A is OPNAVINST 1500.72G, Navy Politico-Military Fellowships,
Graduate Education Programs, and Community Sponsorship.
Ref B is DODINST 1322.23, Secretary of Defense Executive Fellows (SDEF).
Ref C is Memorandum for the Record: Federal Executive Host Institutions for
Academic Years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025.
Ref D is NAVADMIN 011/15, Establishment of the Naval Strategy Subspecialty
Ref E is NAVPERS 15839I, Manual of Navy Officer Manpower and Personnel
Classifications, Vol I, dtd April 2022.
Ref F is OPNAVINST 1520.24D, Officer Scholarship Program.
Ref G is Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense Directive-type Memorandum
(DTM)-19-001, Establishment of the Secretary of Defense Strategic Thinkers
Ref H is NAVADMIN 223/21, Update to Senior Officer Graduate Education
Ref I is OPNAVINST 1520.23C CH-3, Graduate Education//
RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN is the call for applications for the Academic Year (AY)
2023-2024 strategist and national security fellowships and civilian graduate
education scholarship programs, and for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Olmsted
Scholar Program.
2. Per reference (a), these programs are a primary means for developing naval
strategists through exposure and learning opportunities at leading think
tanks, academic institutions, and with industry partners.
a. Talented officers who complete these programs form a cadre of naval
strategists able to leverage their experiences and the key relationships
they have established to actively contribute toward efforts to improve Navy
warfighting advantage.
b. Type Commanders and community managers are encouraged to identify
quality candidates and encourage these future leaders to apply to these
competitive programs.
c. Applicable programs include:
(1) Federal Executive Fellowship Program (FEF)
(2) Hudson Fellow Program, Oxford University
(3) Secretary of Defense Executive Fellows Program (SDEF)
(4) Secretary of Defense Strategic Thinkers Program (SD STP)
(5) Politico-Military Masters Program (PMM)
(6) Arthur S. Moreau Program (ASM)
(7) Olmsted Scholar Program.
3. AY2023-24 applications are due to Navy Personnel Command NLT 02 September
2022. All supplemental information to the selection board must be received
NLT 23 September 2022. The selection board will convene in early November
Results will be announced no later than December 2022.
a. Officers may apply for all programs for which they meet the eligibility
requirements via a single application. Annotate which programs you are
applying for in the subject line of your application.
b. Please read program descriptions in their entirety. Unique or
additional application and selection requirements are set forth in
subparagraph 'b' of each section.
c. Applications require a personal statement to the board, a curriculum
vitae, biography, and endorsement letters from both your commanding
officer and detailer, plus any unique or additional requirements specified
for each program. Application forms will be available after 01 June
2022. Send requests for forms and any questions to the OPNAV N712 or PERS
443 POCs listed in this NAVADMIN.
d. Service obligation is defined in individual program descriptions below.
Most of these programs incur a service obligation of three times (3x) the
number of months served in the program (normally 10-12 months), for a
30-36 month obligation.
e. Interested officers should submit applications for all programs via
encrypted email to the PERS 443 and OPNAV N712 POCs listed in this
Prior to submission, ensure electronic copies are clear, legible, and
properly endorsed. If encrypted email is unavailable, mail applications to:
Navy Personnel Command
Attn: PERS 443B
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38005
f. Additional information on graduate education and fellowship programs
can be found in the program descriptions below and
4. Federal Executive Fellowship Program: This is a fellowship program and
does not confer a degree. The FEF program provides selected due-course
officers an opportunity to improve their understanding of the national
security decision-making process through a one-year assignment at a world-
class research organization or academic institution. Fellows will serve
follow-on tours in a number of critical strategy, policy, national security
decision-making, and international engagement billets on major Joint and Navy
staffs. A successful FEF tour combined with any previous or future non-
resident masters degree from an accredited university will satisfy the in-
residence graduate education requirement for major command (see reference
a. Eligibility: Active Duty O4-O6 Unrestricted Line (URL) and Restricted
Line (RL) officers in designators 1710, 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1840 are
eligible to apply. Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) officers
are not eligible for the FEF program. Applicants should have a graduate
degree. A graduate degree in national security affairs, international
relations, strategy, or related discipline is preferred.
b. Program information: Thirteen (13) officers will be selected for the
AY23-24 Federal Executive Fellowship program by the PERS selection board. The
fellowships will begin in August 2023 following a two-week orientation
course at the Pentagon. One naval officer will be assigned to each of the
thirteen FEF institutions, which include:
(1) Atlantic Council, Washington, DC
(2) Carnegie Mellon University, Institute for Politics and Strategy,
Pittsburgh, PA
(3) Center for a New American Security (CNAS), Washington, DC
(4) Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington,
DC. The CSIS fellow will also serve as an adjunct fellow at the United
States Naval Institute (USNI), Annapolis, MD.
(5) Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Chicago, IL
(6) Georgia Institute of Technology, Sam Nunn School of International
Affairs, Atlanta, GA
(7) Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Cambridge, MA
(8) Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), Alexandria, VA
(9) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Security Studies Program,
Cambridge, MA
(10) Stanford University, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA
(11) Stimson Center, Washington, DC
(12) Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford,
(13) University of Texas at Austin, Clements Center for National
Security, Austin, TX
c. Reutilization/service obligation: Federal Executive Fellows incur a
service obligation three times (3x) the number of months of the
fellowship. FEF tours are normally 10-12 months. URL FEFs will serve at least
one utilization tour in a validated naval strategist billet on a major Navy,
Joint, or OSD staff as soon as possible, but not later than the second
subsequent shore tour.
Some officers may serve in multiple strategy positions after the
fellowship tour, subject to career timing and on a not-to-interfere basis
with their command or milestone tours.
d. Subspecialty Code/Additional Qualification Code: URL officers who
complete a FEF tour will receive the 2300S Naval Strategy subspecialty code
and the 24C additional qualification designation (AQD) code. IWC Officers
will receive the 2400S subspecialty code and the 24C AQD code. FAO officers
will receive the 2000S National Security Studies subspecialty code and the
24C AQD code.
5. Hudson Fellow Program, University of Oxford: This is a fellowship program
and does not confer a degree. Hosted by St. Antonys College, the Hudson
Fellow will attend the Changing Character of War (CCW) program, led by the
History Faculty at Oxford. CCW brings together representatives of the United
Kingdom Armed Forces, Government, and multi-national organizations to provide
practical knowledge in the interdisciplinary study of war and armed conflict.
A successful Hudson tour combined with any previous or future non-resident
masters degree from an accredited university will satisfy the in-residence
graduate education requirement for major command (see reference (h)).
a. Eligibility: Active duty O5-O6 URL and RL officers in designators 1710,
1810, 1820, 1830, and 1840 are eligible to apply. The University of Oxford
prefers post-command officers. TAR officers are not eligible for the
Hudson Fellowship. Applicant must have a masters degree. A graduate degree in
national security affairs, international relations, strategy, or related
discipline is preferred.
b. Program information: The Hudson Fellowship will begin in August
2023. One (1) primary and two (2) alternate nominees will be selected by
the PERS selection board. Their names, CV, biography, and research proposal
will be submitted by OPNAV N7 to the University of Oxford for final selection
of the one (1) fellow for AY23-24. Applicants for the Hudson Fellowship must
include a 2-page research proposal with their application. The Oxford
research proposal template can be found at the MyNavyHR website under
Education Placement:
c. Reutilization/Service obligation: Hudson fellows incur a service
obligation that is three times (3x) the number of months of the
Hudson Fellowship tours are normally 10-12 months. The URL Hudson Fellow
will serve at least one utilization tour in a validated naval strategist
billet as soon as possible, but not later than the second subsequent shore
tour. Some officers may serve in multiple strategy positions after the
fellowship tour, subject to career timing and on a not-to-interfere basis
with their command or milestone tours.
d. Subspecialty Code/Additional Qualification Code: URL officers who
complete the Hudson Fellowship will receive the 2300S subspecialty code and
the 24D AQD code. IWC officers will receive the 2400S subspecialty code and
the 24D AQD code. FAO officers will receive the 2000S subspecialty code and
the 24D AQD code.
6. Secretary of Defense Executive Fellows Program: This is a fellowship
program and does not confer a degree. This program provides a venue for
exceptional officers to experience innovative business practices within the
nations leading business enterprises. Military fellows from each of the
Services are paired with senior executives in various companies known for
their willingness to challenge and adapt their business practices. A
successful SDEF tour combined with any previous or future non-resident
masters degree from an accredited university will satisfy the in-residence
graduate education requirement for major command (see reference (h)).
a. Eligibility: All O5-O6 officers are eligible for the SDEF program,
including Reserve, TAR, and the Acquisition Professional Community.
Related graduate education and staff experience preferred. Per reference (b),
applicants must have completed Joint Professional Military Education Phase
II (JPME II) (or Advanced Joint Professional Military Education (AJPME) for
Reserve officers) prior to beginning the fellowship. This JPME requirement
is waived for eligible military officers who have a scientific, technical, or
professional military occupational specialty or equivalency, as described
in Section 10 of DoD Instruction 1300.19.
b. Program information: Four (4) Navy officers will be selected for the
AY23-24 program by the PERS selection board. Fellowships will begin in July
Past fellows were assigned to corporations such as 3M, Apple, Amazon,
Boeing, Caterpillar, Cisco Systems, Exxon Mobil, J.P. Morgan Chase, FedEx,
General Dynamics, Google, Intel, Lockheed Martin, Merck, Microsoft, Morgan
Stanley, SalesForce, and SpaceX.
c. Reutilization/Service obligation: SDEF graduates incur a service
obligation that is three times (3x) the number of months of the
SDEF tours are normally 12 months in length, depending on the required
detachment for the next duty station.
d. Subspecialty Code/Additional Qualification Code: All officers who
complete the SDEF program will receive the 2000S subspecialty code and the
24F AQD code.
7. Secretary of Defense Strategic Thinkers Program: This program confers a
Masters degree in International Public Policy (MIPP). The SD STP program is a
one-year masters program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced
International Studies (JHU SAIS) campus in Washington, D.C., where students
will develop advanced analytical and strategic thinking skills. The SD STP
program satisfies the in-residence graduate education requirement for major
command (see reference (h)). Additional program information and instructions
to sign up for education program notifications are available at
a. Eligibility: Active duty O4-O6 Unrestricted Line (URL) and IWC (1810,
1820, 1830, 1840) officers are eligible. TAR officers are not eligible.
Per reference (g), completion of JPME I and graduation in the top 20 percent
of their JPME class is required. A minimum of ten years of service is
Officers who have already participated in Department of Defense-funded
graduate education programs are not eligible. Those officers who earned a
degree through the Tuition Assistance Program or a Service or Joint War
College retain their eligibility for SD STP and do not need a waiver (see
reference (i)).
b. Program information: Two (2) primary and two (2) alternate nominees
will be selected by the PERS selection board. OSD will make the final
selection of two (2) Navy scholars for the SD STP program. SD STP selectees
will carry a full academic load during the academic year. Additional
information can be found at
GRE scores must be submitted as part of the application package.
c. Reutilization/Service Obligation: SD STP graduates will incur a service
obligation of a minimum of 24 months following completion of the SD STP
program. Upon graduation, SD STP students will be considered for follow-on
assignments that utilize their special knowledge and skills gained through
the completion of the program.
d. Subspecialty Code/Additional Qualification Code: SD STP URL graduates
will earn the 2300P Naval Strategy subspecialty code and the 223 AQD code. SD
STP IWC graduates will earn the 2400P subspecialty code and the 223 AQD code.
8. Politico-Military Masters Program: This program confers a masters degree.
The PMM program provides officers a graduate education in strategy and
politico-military affairs at leading civilian universities. The PMM program
is a key component of the Navy Strategic Enterprise, educating naval
strategists who will be utilized in subsequent strategy and policy-related
billets. The PMM program satisfies the in-residence graduate education
requirement for major command (see reference (h)).
a. Eligibility: Active duty O3-O5 Unrestricted Line (URL) and Restricted
Line (RL) 1710, 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1840 designated officers are eligible.
This includes O2s selected for O3 and who will be promoted prior to the start
of the academic year (July-August 2023). Preference will be given to junior
officers (O3-O4). TAR officers are not eligible. Officers who have already
participated in a Department of Defense-funded graduate education program are
not eligible.
Those officers who earned a degree through the Tuition Assistance Program
or Service or a Joint War College retain their eligibility for PMM and do not
need a waiver (see reference (i)).
b. Program information: Eight (8) officers will be selected for the one-
year PMM program. Selected officers will carry a full academic load during
the academic year. The approved AY23-24 institutions and their associated
degree programs are listed below. Other universities that meet the Naval
Strategy subspecialty (2300P) Educational Skills Requirements (ESRs) for PMM
will be considered on a case-by-case basis by OPNAV N7. GRE scores must be
submitted as part of the application package.
(1) Harvard University, Boston, MA: Mid-Career Master in Public
Administration, John F. Kennedy School of Government.
(2) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC: Master of International
Public Policy, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.
(3) Princeton University, Princeton, NJ: Master in Public Policy (MPP)
- International Relations, Princeton School of Public and International
(4) Tufts University, Medford, MA: Master of Arts in the Mid-Career
Program at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
(5) University of California, San Diego (UCSD), San Diego, CA: Master
of Advanced Studies in International Affairs (MAS-IA), School of Global
Policy and Strategy.
(6) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL: Master of Arts in International
Relations at the Committee on International Relations.
(7) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: Master of Arts in
Politics (International Relations) in the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics.
(8) University of Washington, Seattle, WA: Master of Arts in
International Studies, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies.
c. Reutilization/Service Obligation: PMM graduates incur a service
obligation equal to three times (3x) the number of months in the education
program, up to 36 months total. URL PMM graduates will serve at least one
tour in a validated strategy subspecialty billet in either politico-military
affairs or strategy and policy, subject to career timing and on a not-to-
interfere basis with their command or milestone tours.
d. Subspecialty Code/Additional Qualification Code: PMM URL graduates will
earn the 2300P Naval Strategy subspecialty and the 24A AQD codes. The
Education Plan (EP) for URL PMM students must be in full compliance with the
2300P ESRs.
Restricted Line (FAO) PMM graduates will earn the 2000P National Security
Studies subspecialty code and the 24A AQD code. IWC PMM graduates will
earn the 2400P subspecialty code and the 24A AQD code. The EP for FAOs must
be in compliance with the 2000P ESRs and developed in coordination with the
FAO detailer. The EP for IWC officers must be in compliance with the 2400P
9. Arthur S. Moreau Program (ASM): This program leads to a degree (PhD). The
ASM program is a two-year program for candidates seeking to complete a PhD or
to achieve an 'All But Dissertation' status in a politico-military related
The ASM program satisfies the in-residence graduate education requirement for
major command (see reference (h)).
a. Eligibility: Active duty O4-O5, URL-only are eligible. This includes
O3s selected for O4 and who will be promoted prior to the start of the
academic year (July-August 2023). TAR officers are not eligible. ASM
candidates must already possess a masters degree in a politico-military
related field such as national security affairs, international relations,
strategy, or related discipline.
b. Program Information: One (1) officer may be selected for the ASM
The selected officer in the ASM program will carry a full academic load
during the academic year. The approved ASM AY23-24 institutions are the same
as listed with the approved PMM universities in para 7.b. Other universities
that meet the Naval Strategy subspecialty (2300P) Educational Skills
Requirements (ESRs) for PMM and ASM will be considered on a case-by-case
basis by OPNAV N7. GRE scores must be submitted as part of the application
c. Reutilization/Service Obligation: ASM graduates incur a service
obligation equal to three times (3x) the number of months in the education
program, up to 72 months total. ASM graduates will serve at least one tour in
a validated strategy subspecialty billet in either politico-military affairs
or strategy and policy, subject to career timing and on a not-to-interfere
basis with their command or milestone tours.
d. Subspecialty Code/Additional Qualification Code: ASM graduates will
earn either the 2300P or the 2300D Naval Strategy subspecialty code and the
24B AQD code. The Education Plan (EP) for ASM officers must be in full
compliance with the 2300P ESRs.
10. Olmsted Scholars: This program may confer a masters degree, and could
satisfy the in-residence graduate education requirement for major command
(see reference (h)). The Olmsted Scholar Program offers outstanding young
military leaders an unsurpassed opportunity to achieve fluency in a foreign
language, pursue graduate study at an overseas university and acquire an in-
depth understanding of foreign cultures, thereby equipping them to serve in
positions of greater responsibility as senior leaders. This unique
scholarship opportunity supports the DoD emphasis on developing language
skills and regional cultural knowledge across the force.
a. Eligibility: All active duty officers with the designators 1110, 1120,
1130, 1140, 1310, 1320, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, or 3100 with at least
three years of Active Federal Commissioned Service (AFCS) and no more than
13.5 years of total Active Federal Service (AFS) as of 1 April 2023 are
eligible to apply.
The maximum length of service eligibility requirement has been extended
for all eligible designators from 11 years to 13.5 years as part of a three-
year trial program.
b. Program Information: The Navy is seeking applicants who display the
warfighting and intellectual qualities of dedicated career officers who
aspire to command. Applicants should be available to commence language
training in summer/fall 2023 at the Defense Language Institute Foreign
Language Center in Monterey, CA or Washington, DC, begin two years of study
at a foreign university in 2024 and complete their studies in 2026. A
detailer written/signed statement, as stated in enclosure (3) of reference
(f), must be included in the nomination package. Olmsted notifications will
occur in two phases. Navy nominees will be notified via email following the
Navy selection board in November 2022. Scholars selected by the Olmsted
Foundation Board of Directors will be contacted via email following the
selection board in March 2023.
c. Reutilization/Service Obligation: Olmsted Scholars incur a service
obligation equal to three times (3x) the number of months in the
education program and will be calculated based on the number of months the
officer is assigned overseas.
d. Subspecialty Code/Additional Qualification Code: Olmsted scholars will
earn the 219 AQD code and, if they complete a degree in national security
affairs (earning the 2XXXP subspecialty code), will be integrated into
the Pol-Mil subspecialty community and may be eligible to fill billets coded
with a 24X AQD code.
e. Additional Application Information: Applications for the FY24 Olmsted
program are separate and distinct from the application for the other
programs covered by this NAVADMIN. These must include detailer endorsement
and should be prepared according to enclosure (3) of reference (f) and
submitted via email NLT 02 September 2022 to the Navy Olmsted Scholar Program
Manager and PERS 443 POCs listed at the end of this NAVADMIN. DLAB and GRE
scores must be submitted as part of the application package. Official college
transcripts may be submitted via the institution to the Olmsted Scholar
Program Manager, which must also be received no later than 02 September 2022.
Detailed information on application requirements, sample application
template, and Frequently Asked Questions are located on the Navy College
website at
11. Points of Contact: Contact the POCs listed below for program-specific
details and questions. Direct all application-only questions to either OPNAV
a. OPNAV: CDR Anne C. Stehlin, OPNAV N712 Branch Head, 571-256-4784,; Ms. Jennifer Rigdon Teter, N712 Contract
Support, 703-692-1934,
b. NAVPERSCOM: LT Jacob Jepsen, PERS 443, 901-874-3996,
c. OLMSTED: Ms. Elise McGuire, Navy Olmsted Scholar Program Manager, 850-
12. Released by VADM J. W. Hughes, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for
Warfighting Development (N7). //