R 031159Z AUG 15
RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN enumerates changes to the Physical Readiness Program
(PRP) as announced in reference (a). Physical Fitness Assessments (PFAs)
should be designed and implemented to assess an individual Sailors health and
mission readiness. The current PFA model enforces maximum body fat
percentages and minimum physical readiness scores, but falls short on
evaluating a Sailors overall health, and does not adequately reflect the
challenges unique to sea duty and the increasingly technical nature of our
jobs. The intent of these changes is to strike a better balance between
health and physical readiness.
2. Amplifying instructions for Cycle 2 2015 (1 July 2015 to 31 December
2015): Cycle 2 2015 will continue to be administered in accordance with
reference (b) with the following changes:
a. Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ): The PARFQ
process is unchanged. All Sailors will complete a PARFQ as outlined in
reference (b).
b. Body Composition Assessment (BCA): Changes to the BCA are as
(1) BCA measurements taken in Cycle 2 2015 will be recorded for
monitoring purposes only using the current methodology and BCA standards
outlined in reference (b).
(2) All BCA data will continue to be recorded in the Physical
Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS), regardless of outcome.
(3) BCA measurements exceeding current standards, as outlined in
reference (b), during Cycle 2 2015 ONLY will not count as a Physical Fitness
Assessment (PFA) failure. Sailors who exceed current standards shall be
enrolled in the Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP) and in nutritional
c. Physical Readiness Test (PRT): The PRT will continue to be
administered in accordance with reference (b). PRT failures incurred during
Cycle 2 2015 will be documented in PRIMS and count as PFA failures. PRT
changes are as follows:
(1) All medically cleared Sailors shall participate in the PRT
regardless of BCA outcome.
(2) If a Sailor is not medically cleared to participate in the PRT,
this shall be annotated on Medical Waiver Form 6110/4. A Medical Evaluation
Board shall be initiated if required in accordance with reference (b).
d. Spot Checks: Commanding officers will conduct PFA spot checks. BCA
and PRT failures incurred during a spot check will not count toward
administrative separation, but may result in FEP enrollment to ensure success
during the next official PFA.
e. Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP): The FEP will continue to be
administered in accordance with reference (b) or when commanding officers
deem it necessary.
3. Effective 1 January 2016 (Cycle 1 2016), the following changes to
reference (b) will go into effect:
a. Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire: An updated PARFQ form
will better assist medical providers in assessing a Sailors overall health.
Details will be provided via SEPCOR.
b. Body Composition Assessment (BCA) Methodology: The new method for
measuring BCA will consist of a three-step process. A Sailor who is
medically cleared to participate in the PRT shall do so regardless of his or
her BCA results under any of the three steps discussed below.
(1) Step 1: Apply the current height/weight tables per reference (b)
to a Sailor. If the Sailor is within height/weight standards, he or she will
pass the BCA, steps 2 and 3 will not apply, and he or she will not be
required to enroll in FEP. If the Sailor does not meet the height/weight
standard, proceed to step 2.
(2) Step 2: Apply a single-site abdominal circumference measurement.
Scientific evidence indicates that individuals are at increased risk for
health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer if their abdomen
exceeds a certain circumference. Thus, a single-site abdominal circumference
measurement will assist in identifying Sailors who are at risk for health
problems. A Sailor will pass the BCA if abdominal circumference is less than
or equal to 39.0 inches for males and less than or equal to 35.5 inches for
females. If the Sailor exceeds the abdominal circumference measurement,
proceed to step 3.
(3) Step 3: If the Sailor exceeds the height/weight screen of step 1
and the abdominal circumference measurement screen of step 2, a body
circumference measurement shall be conducted. Apply the body circumference
measurement technique to determine body fat percentage per reference (b).
The Sailor will pass the BCA by meeting the Department of Defense (DoD)
maximum allowable body fat limit of less than or equal to 26 percent for
males or DoD maximum body fat limit of less than or equal to 36 percent for
females outlined in reference (c). The Sailor will fail the BCA only if the
Sailor does not meet any of the standards employed in steps 1, 2, or 3 and
shall be evaluated by a medical provider, enrolled in FEP, and provided
nutritional counseling. All Sailors who are medically cleared, regardless of
BCA results, shall take the PRT. A BCA failure will constitute an overall
PFA failure for the cycle regardless of PRT results.
c. The Body Circumference Technique currently employed under reference
(b) will continue to be used to determine body fat percentage. The new Body
Fat Standards will be graduated by age, reflecting a more realistic approach
in accordance with DoD guidance, which is consistent with the American
Medical Association and American Council on Exercise Standards. This
approach will allow more Sailors to participate in the PRT portion of the
PFA. New Navy Body Fat Percentage Standards based on a graduated scale that
increases with a Sailors age:
(1) Males: 18-21 = 22 percent, 22-29 = 23 percent,
30-39 = 24 percent, 40+ = 26 percent.
(2) Females: 18-21 = 33 percent, 22-29 = 34 percent,
30-39 = 35 percent, 40+ = 36 percent.
Any Sailor who exceeds the Navys updated graduated body fat standards set
forth above shall be enrolled in FEP.
(3) The Physical Readiness Program Operating Guides will be updated
and Command Fitness Leaders will be trained on how to accurately conduct the
single site abdominal circumference measurement.
(4) In summary, effective 1 January 2016, a Sailor will have three
options regarding BCA measurement: height/weight screening, single-site
abdominal circumference measurement, and the body circumference measurement.
d. Physical Readiness Test (PRT): The PRT will continue to be
administered in accordance with reference (b). All Sailors cleared by their
medical providers through the Physical Health Assessment (PHA) and PARFQ
processes shall take the PRT, regardless of BCA outcome.
e. Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP): Sailors shall be enrolled in FEP
for any of the following reasons:
(1) Exceeding the updated graduated Navy Body Fat Standards; or
(2) Failing any portion of the PRT. Sailors enrolled in FEP due to
BCA failure shall also be enrolled in nutritional counseling. All Sailors
enrolled in FEP will be required to participate in a mock PFA every 30 days.
Failures incurred during a mock PFA will not count as official failures. A
Sailor will be disenrolled from FEP when he or she passes the PRT and is
within the new Navy BCA standards.
f. PFA Failure Determination for Administrative Separation Processing:
Effective 1 January 2016, all PFA (BCA or PRT) failures in the most recent 3-
year period will be reset to one failure. A Sailors most recent failure will
carry over to Cycle 1 2016. Note: A Cycle 2 2015 BCA failure will not count
as a carry-over failure, but a PRT failure incurred in Cycle 2 2015 will
count as a carry-over failure.
g. Administrative Separation Policy Guidance:
(1) Effective 1 January 2016, a Sailor who fails two PFA cycles in
the most recent 3-year period shall be processed for administrative
separation. Failing either the BCA or the PRT will constitute a PFA failure
for the cycle in which it is incurred.
(2) Effective immediately, a Sailor subject to an approved or pending
administrative separation due to multiple PFA (BCA or PRT) failures, who has
not yet been separated, shall be offered the opportunity to be retained. A
Sailor who desires to separate from the Navy will continue processing for
administrative separation. A Sailor who desires to be retained must notify
his or her commanding officer, be medically cleared to participate in the
PRT, and pass either a mock or the official PRT before 1 December 2015. All
mock PFA data shall be recorded in PRIMS under the FEP tab in each Sailors
profile. A Sailor who does not meet present Navy BCA requirements as
outlined in reference (b) must be cleared by his or her medical provider to
participate in the Cycle 2 2015 PRT.
(a) If the Sailor is not medically cleared to participate in the
PRT, this shall be annotated on Medical Waiver Form 6110/4. A Medical
Evaluation Board shall be initiated if required in accordance with reference
(b). If a Sailor failed the Cycle 1 2015 BCA, the Sailor shall be
automatically enrolled in FEP.
(b) During FEP, the Sailor shall participate in a mock PFA
every 30 days. The deadline to pass either a mock or the official
PRT is 1 December 2015.
(c) If a Sailor does not pass either a mock or the official PRT
by 1 December 2015, the failure will be recorded in PRIMS. If a Sailor who
was pending administrative separation as of 1 July 2015 does not pass either
a mock or the official PRT by 1 December 2015, he or she will continue to be
processed for administrative separation. A Sailor who fails any portion of
the PRT during Cycle 2 2015 will incur a failure for the PFA, and the failure
will count toward administrative separation. The current Navy administrative
separation standard of three failures in the most recent four-year period
will continue in effect through 31 December 2015.
(d) Effective 1 January 2016, all PFA failures in the most
recent 3-year period will be reset to one failure.
4. Future Planned Changes:
a. Developing a Navy-wide Registered Dietician (RD) utilization plan;
b. Enhancing SHIPSHAPE and encouraging approved civilian diet programs;
c. Establishing Go for Green healthy-eating ashore and at sea;
d. Providing more support for post-partum Sailors to re-attain or exceed
previous fitness goals;
e. Wearable-fitness device studies to monitor physical output and rest;
f. Enhance Physical Readiness Test; and
g. Fitness awards for Sailors who score outstanding.
5. In the long-term, the Navy strives to move away from PFA testing as a
calculation of BCA maximums and PRT minimums, to a more realistic measure of
health, fitness, and mission readiness. To do this, the Navy will
incorporate methods of assessing sleep patterns, activity, nutrition, and
genetic risk factors.
6. For questions, please contact the Physical Readiness Program Help Desk at
(901) 874-2210/DSN 882 or via e-mail at navyprt@navy.mil. Physical
Readiness Program polices, operating guides and FAQs can be found on the NPC
21st Century Sailor web page http://www.npc.navy.mil/bupers-
7. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.//