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NARR/Ref A is the Academic Year 2023-2024 Strategist and National Security
Fellowships and Graduate Education Scholarship Programs Call for Applications
NAVADMIN (133/22).
RMKS/1. Per reference (a), this NAVADMIN announces the results of the
Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024 Multi-Board.
2. Congratulations to the following officers upon their selection or
nomination to the Federal Executive Fellowship (FEF), U.S. Navy Hudson
Fellowship, Secretary of Defense Executive Fellowship (SDEF), Politico-
Military Masters (PMM) Scholarship, Arthur S. Moreau (ASM) Scholarship,
Secretary of Defense Strategic Thinkers Program (SDSTP) Scholarship, and FY24
Olmsted Scholars programs.
a. Federal Executive Fellowship Primary Selectees:
Acosta, Ernesto H., LCDR, 1110
Ajoy, Patricia H., CAPT, 1710
Aliberti, David M., CDR, 1320
Chandler, Robert H., CDR, 1320
Clough, Gavin H., CDR, 1710
Cordial, Brendan E., LCDR, 1110
Grenoble, William L. V, CDR, 1830
Hammond, Michael C., LCDR, 1810
Henry, Shawn M.S., LCDR, 1110
Intoccia, Matthew J., LCDR, 1110
MacNeil, Benjamin S., CDR, 1130
Rosarda, Thelmar A., LCDR, 1110
Tiefel, Michael S., CDR, 1830
b. Federal Executive Fellowship Alternate Selectees:
Arnold, Jeffrey J., LCDR, 1830
Bond, Robert L. Jr., LCDR, 1830
Campbell, RyanP., LCDR, 1110
Halsell, James D., LCDR, 1120
Hoffman, Bradley R., LCDR, 1830
Janigian, Alan M., LCDR, 1110
Thomas, John L., LCDR, 1830
Wachtel, Jonathan G., LCDR, 1710
c. U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship Primary Nominee. This is the Navy's primary
nominee, with final selection by the Governing Body of St. Antonys College,
Oxford University in February 2023:
Robb, Douglas A., CDR, 1110
d. U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship Alternate Nominees. These are the Navy's
alternate nominees, with final selection by the Governing Body of St.
Antonys College, Oxford University in February 2023:
Ajoy, Patricia H., CAPT, 1710
Tiefel, Michael S., CDR, 1830
e. Secretary of Defense Executive Fellowship Primary Selectees:
Ajoy, Patricia H., CAPT, 1710
Chandler, Robert H., CDR, 1320
Reese, Cassidi A., CDR, 1510
Tiefel, Michael S., CDR, 1830
f. Secretary of Defense Executive Fellowship Alternates Selectees:
Clough, Gavin H., CDR, 1710
Grenoble, William L. V, CDR, 1830
Halberstadt, Alex, CDR, 1510
MacNeil, Benjamin S., CDR, 1130
Rogers, Jamie H., CDR, 1510
Summerlin, Mark T., CDR, 1510
g. Politico-Military Masters Scholarship Primary Selectees:
Arnold, Jeffrey J., LCDR, 1830
Cordial, Brendan E., LCDR, 1110
Halsell, James D., LCDR, 1120
Intoccia, Matthew J., LCDR, 1110
Jestrab, Marek C., LCDR, 1110
Laden, Zachary J., LCDR, 1310
Lock, Kodi M., LCDR, 1110
Wrigley, David J., CDR, 1310
h. Politico-Military Masters Scholarship Alternate Selectees:
Geimer, Montana W., LT, 1810
Hurst, Caleb C., LT, 1110
Kennedy, Charles R., LCDR, 1310
Moragne, Luke A., LCDR, 1320
Trezise, Meredith E., LCDR, 1320
Wachtel, Jonathan G., LCDR, 1710
Wendland, Kelly G., LCDR, 1710
i. Arthur S. Moreau Scholarship Primary Selectee:
Cordial, Brendan E., LCDR, 1110
j. Arthur S. Moreau Scholarship Alternate Selectees:
Aliberti, David M., CDR, 1320
Axel, Michael C., LCDR, 1320
Henry, Shawn M.S., LCDR, 1110
k. Secretary of Defense Strategic Thinkers Program Scholarship Primary
Nominees. These are the Navy's primary nominees, with final selection by the
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Education and
Training (DASD (FE&T)) by February 2023:
Callaway, LewisW., CAPT, 1320
Jestrab, Marek C., LCDR, 1110
Lock, Kodi M., LCDR, 1110
Wrigley, David J., CDR, 1310
l. Secretary of Defense Strategic Thinkers Program Scholarship Alternate
Nominees. These are the Navy's alternate nominees, with final selection by
the Office of the DASD (FE&T)) by February 2023:
Halsell, James D., LCDR, 1120
Kennedy, Charles R., LCDR, 1310
m. Olmsted Scholars Program Nominees. These are the Navy's FY24 nominees,
with final selection by the Olmsted Foundation in March 2023:
Barabe, Joshua S., LT, 1310
Cotten, Benjamin D., LT, 1310
Gregory, Adam J., LCDR, 1137
Gregory, Daniel J., LT, 1310
Kirkham, Jane M., LT, 1120
Manchigiah, Christopher A., LT, 1310
Margot, Sean B., LCDR, 1830
Martin, Julie M., LTJG, 1120
McSharry, Mark B., LCDR, 1140
Schleisman, Patricia A., LT, 1830
Thorborg, Robert J., LT, 1130
Wilkinson, Wilfrid P. V, LT, 1310
3. All primary selectees and primary nominees for the FEF, Hudson, SDEF,
PMM, ASM, SDSTP, and Olmsted programs must accept or decline their
selection/nomination NLT 14 days from the date of this NAVADMIN by email or
phone call to both the NAVPERSCOM and OPNAV N7 POCs listed in para 5 below,
with a copy to their respective detailers. OPNAV N7 will reach out to
alternates SEPCOR, as needed.
4. Fellowship/Scholarship Assignment Process and Details:
a. FEF: OPNAV N7 will assign primary selectees to their respective host
institutions. Primary selectees are directed to contact the OPNAV N712
program team listed below to discuss details of these assignments. FEF
alternates are encouraged to remain flexible in the event that a primary slot
opens up in the coming weeks.
b. Hudson Fellowship: The Governing Body of St. Antony?s College, Oxford
University, has ultimate approval authority of the AY23-24 U.S. Navy Hudson
Fellow. OPNAV N712 will forward the Curriculum Vitae, biography, and
research proposal for the one primary and two alternate nominees directly to
Oxford University, with a decision by Oxford University expected in February
c. SDEF: The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense ? Personnel and
Readiness (OUSD-P&R) will coordinate the assignment of all Service selectees
to their respective AY23-24 SDEF corporate hosts in April 2023. SDEF
alternates are encouraged to remain flexible in the event that a primary slot
opens up in the coming weeks. Direct all SDEF-related questions to the OPNAV
N712 program POCs listed below.
d. PMM/ASM: PMM and ASM selectees will choose from among the eight approved
universities listed in reference (b). It is strongly recommended that PMM
and ASM selectees apply to a minimum of three universities to increase their
acceptance chances. Navy multi-board selection for the PMM or ASM programs
does not guarantee acceptance by a university. PMM and ASM alternates are
encouraged to remain flexible in the event that a primary slot opens up in
the coming weeks.
e. SDSTP: After multi-board nomination, Navy SDSTP nominees will provide an
application package to the Office of the DASD (FE&T)) via OPNAV N712.
Application package details will be provided to nominees SEPCOR by OPNAV
N712. A senior-level panel within the Office of the DASD (FE&T) will convene
in January 2023 to select the Strategic Thinkers Program students for
f. Olmsted Scholars: The FY24 Olmsted Navy nominees listed in para 2.m of
this NAVADMIN will contact Ms. Elise McGuire, OPNAV N712, NLT 14 days from
the date of this NAVADMIN to accept or decline their nomination. An Olmsted
Foundation board will convene in March 2023 to select up to five FY24 Navy
Olmsted Scholars from among the multi-board nominee scholars listed in para
5. Point(s) of Contact:
a. NAVPERSCOM: Outservice Education Placement and Special Fellowships:
LT Jacob Jepsen, PERS 443, Comm (901) 874-3996;
b. OPNAV N712 Fellowship and Scholarship Programs:
(1) Branch Head: CDR Anne C. Stehlin; Comm (571) 256-4784;
Cell (703) 835-7501; E-mail:
(2) Deputy Branch Head: Ms. Jennifer Rigdon Teter;
Comm (703) 692-1934; E-mail:
(3) Olmsted Scholars/Officer Special Education Programs:
Ms. Elise McGuire; Comm (850) 473-6064;
6. Released by VADM J. W. Hughes, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for
Warfighting Development, OPNAV (N7).//